Parma XXIII International Echo Meeting

Parma XXIII International Echo Meeting

June 18-19-20, 2015

Dear colleagues and friends ,

we are glad to send you the Final Program of our Meeting.

This year there will be a somewhat new format with 2 days of Scientific Program and one half day dedicated to a Satellite Session on “ Science , Development , Peace “, with themes that are relevant to each one of us.

The Faculty in its core will remain the same, with some new important additions.

The Social Program and the Program for Accompanying Persons will follow the previous lines.

We will do our best to maintain or enhance the spirit and the atmosphere of the preceding Meetings !

“ We are preparing to have a great time together ! “



Umberto Squarcia Aldo Agnetti

PS We are also glad that we managed to keep a very low Registration Fee for our young colleagues.

Umberto Squarcia MD FACC

Full Professor of Pediatrics and

Pediatric Cardiology

University of Parma Italy

Past Member of Board of Directors

Mayo Alumni Association

Rochester,Minn. USA

Cell. +39 338 6035868