All posts by gerbonis

THE 20th International Parma Echo Meeting From Fetus to Young Adult

THE 20th International Parma Echo Meeting
From Fetus to Young Adult

To be held at the at the University of Parma,
Parma Italy on June 22,23, 24, 2011

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4D Fetal Echocardiography (Ebook Open Access)

4D Fetal Echocardiography (Ebook Open Access)

Authors: Domenico Arduini, Giuseppe Rizzo

Preface Abstract:
The examination of the fetal heart is part of the comprehensive fetal scan, but this examination is still considered a challenge even for experienced sonographers.

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Corso di Genetica e Clinica delle Cardiopatie Congenite

Cari amici,
Siamo lieti di annunciare il Corso di Genetica e Clinica delle Cardiopatie Congenite,
che si terra’ il 29 e 30 novembre 2010
presso il Centro Universitario EuroMediterraneo
di Ronzano a Bologna.

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5th European Echocardiography Course on Congenital Heart Disease

5th European Echocardiography Course on Congenital Heart Disease
6 – 9 October 2010

UCL Institute of Child Health, London

The Imaging Working Group of the Association of European Paediatric Cardiology (AEPC) in collaboration with the Working Group of Grown-up Congenital Heart Disease of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Association of Echocardiography will organise the 5th European Echocardiography Course in Congenital Heart Disease this time in London, from Wednesday 6th to Saturday 9th October 2010.

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Kabuki Syndrome

Kabuki Syndrome
a post_it by s.gerboni

Kabuki syndrome, also known as Kabuki makeup syndrome and Niikawa-Kuroki syndrome, was initially described in 1988 by Niikawa et al. Congenital heart disease is commonly associated with Kabuki syndrome, with a reported incidence of 31–58% in large series ….

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8° Corso Teorico Pratico Di Ecocardiografia Fetale

8° Corso Teorico Pratico Di Ecocardiografia Fetale
Milano 11-12 Marzo 2010
Scheda Iscrizione>

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Berry Syndrome, a Complex Aortopulmonary Malformation

Berry Syndrome, a Complex Aortopulmonary Malformation
Prenatal diagnosis by fetal echocardiography

a spotlight by s. gerboni

Berry syndrome is a rare association of distal aortopulmonary window (APW), aortic origin of the right pulmonary artery (RPA), intact ventricular septum, patent ductus arteriosus, and interrupted or hypoplastic aortic arch. Since the original description in 1982 as a specific syndrome rather than a random coincidence.

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Dextroposition of the fetal heart

Dextroposition of the fetal heart
a short review

Normally the fetal heart lies on left side the chest at left of spine with the
apex pointing to left.
Dextroposition is defined as most of the normally connected fetal heart is found
on the right side with the apex pointing to left of the fetal chest.

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