Neonatal Cardiology
by Salvatore Gerboni M.D.
Ex Teacher on Pediatric and Neonatal Cardiology
Postgraduated Medical School in Pediatric Clinic
University “G.D’Annunzio” of Chieti
The birth of a child with a congenital heart disease (CHD) upsets the harmony and the familiar equilibrium beyond the limits of the seriousnes of the same one, becouse the heart represents in the imaginary collective the center of the organism.
The just presentation of the event from part of the doctor who for first finds it has a fundamental impact on the acceptation from part of the connected parents of this cardiopatic child and of the problematic ones to its treatment. To make to understand of that what draft, why the diagnostic examinations, why of a type or not of intervention, why make an intervention before in order to prepare of an other or why of the some medical therapies is often much difficult one and can not to re-enter in common logic.
To this scientific difficulties the problems are placed side by side that the small patient and their relatives must daily face from the moment of the diagnosis to common and difficult way towards one recovery more or less complete. These problems are multiple of which some mostly practical which the times of wait, expenses, the arrangement, the travels to us, etc. and others mostly technical which the type of diagnostic and surgical treatment, results immediate at a distance of the correction of the cardiopathy,quality and life style and other.
Finally, but not little important is the difficult and continuous relationship with the sick child in the relationships with the family , with the school and which is psychological difficulties in making the forehead to the thousand practical problems us of the daily life in the period of temporary induced physical disablement from the heart disease.
These pages web try to be a guide of base addressed mainly to the parents and the doctors of children affected from such pathologies, in order to supply that minimum of useful acquaintances for the management of the same ones, without having to acquire them to hard work, and often to own expenses, only to the end of their therapeutic odissea.
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Perinatal Cardiology
Clinicizzed Hospital SS.Annunziata
Tel. : 0039 085 4518746 – 328 2935589
Viale Marconi 270, 65127 Pescara – Italy